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Image by Alexandru Zdrobău

Intuitive Women's Wellness

The New World Women Collective use Intuitive Women's Wellness throughout their teachings and classes. We feel working with your intuition supports women cultivate a relationship with the Divine Feminine and oneself to create a life that you love and that feels good from the inside out!

What is Intuitive Women's Wellness?

Intuitive Women's Wellness reminds women of their most powerful asset. Women's Intuition. You can be told anything by anyone, but actually, you know best.

You may have had a niggling feeling that something wasn't quite right, or something was off to later find out you were right. But we have been completely bombarded by marketing content, toxic relationships and patriarchy which has completely taken women away from their most powerful asset.

Intuitive Women's Wellness is an approach to holistic health and well-being that encourages women to tune into their bodies and intuition, and make choices that support their unique needs and desires. It's an approach that recognises that women's health is multidimensional and interconnected, and that physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of health are all important.

Intuitive Women's Wellness can be a transformative practice for women, to feel more connected, embodied, and empowered. It supports women in creating a lifestyle that feels authentic and fulfilling, and can lead to improved physical health, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life.

Intuitive Women's Wellness may incorporate various practices and modalities, such as nutrition, movement, mindfulness, self-care, and energy work, that are tailored to meet the needs and preferences of the individual woman. The approach emphasises self-awareness, self-care, and self-compassion, and encourages women to let go of societal expectations or external pressures that may not serve them. By cultivating a practice of listening to their bodies and trusting their intuition, women can deepen their self-awareness and self-confidence, and make more authentic and empowered choices in their lives.


Meditation is a KEY component to Intuitive Women's Wellness. It starts our journey to connecting in with ourselves. So if you can't do anything else, start by doing some meditation. Start that connection and conversation with yourself.

Here at New World Women we offer many offerings and LIVE SESSIONS to support your journey back to self. Please see below the many ways we can hold space for YOU! These intuitive practices run throughout your online content AND LIVE SESSIONS.

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